Boosters Association
The Bell School Booster Association is a parent organization estabished to support the Bell School of Irish Dance and its dance families in the following ways:
Promote Irish culture and school unity by:
organizing social events such as the St. Patrick's Day Parade After Party and Family Ceili Night.
Producing the Bell Mini Feis, which helps to intrdoduce newer families with an interest in competitive Irish dancing to the format and flow of an Irish dance competition, which is called a Feis (pronounced: FESH)
Support the Bell School by:
Assisting with the planning and coordination of major schoolwide functions, such as the annual Showcase and the St. Patrick's Day Parade
Coordinating the acquisition and/or production of the school costume (jumpers,dresses, wigs, headbands, tiaras, ties, socks, etc.) and Bell School apparel (sweatshirts, warmups, tote bags, etc.)
Organizing used merchandise sales that facilitate the purchase and resale of costumes and school apparel
Financially assist the Bell School and its students by:
Subsidizing teacher's travel expenses incurred in attending national and international competitions
If necessary, subsidizing the bi-annual dance workshops taught by an overseas guest teacher
Financing improvements to the studio to provide a more comfortable environment for dancers and their families
Foster communication with and between Bell School staff and families by:
Providing a conduit for parents of dancers to express ideas and concerns
Coordinating parent volunteers to serve as "class leaders", who have an important role in organizing major school functions such as the showcase and parade
Provide updates on Booster related items via the school's monthly memo and/or email
Boosters Officers
Melissa Stack
Kristen Hiserodt
Vice President
Stephanie Myler
Sherri Brennan
Molly Cantwell
Sarah Snyder
Showcase Committee
Katie Dowd
Special Events & Fundraising
Dawn Morelli
Parade Coordinator
Annie Lindsay
Show Cooridnator